Kagan Australia Teacher Professional Learning

We are proud and excited about joining the world-wide Kagan Team. We are committed to delivering the highest quality professional development courses in Australia and to fulfill the Kagan mission to improve education for teachers and students.

Kagan Publishing and Professional Development USA

Who or What is Kagan?

Dr. Kagan and his team have developed and perfected well over 200 Kagan Structures. Kagan Structures are simple teaching techniques or instructional strategies to guide the interaction of students with each other, the curriculum, and the teacher. Popular Kagan structures include Numbered Heads Together, Timed Pair Share, RallyRobin, Pairs Compare, Kinaesthetic Symbols, and Lyrical Lessons. Dr. Kagan’s book, Cooperative Learning, is the single most comprehensive and most popular book in the field. Instead of emphasising complex cooperative learning lessons, theme units, projects, and centres, all of which demand extensive planning, preparation, and special materials, Kagan Structures make cooperative learning easy. Kagan Structures are used as part of any existing lesson — with little or no special preparation and no special materials. Because the Kagan structures are so easy to learn and apply, Kagan participants spontaneously created the Kagan motto:

Learn it Today; Use it Tomorrow; Apply it for a Lifetime!

The Kagan Structures are easy to learn and implement, fun for teachers and students, and produce profoundly positive outcomes along a remarkable number of dimensions. Different structures are designed for different outcomes, including enhanced mastery of subject matter, improved thinking skills, teambuilding, classbuilding, development of social character and social skills, communication skills, classroom management, classroom discipline, development and engagement of each of the multiple intelligences. The demand for training of teachers and training of trainers in Kagan Structures has led the Kagan’s to form one of the world’s foremost training companies for teachers. Dr. Kagan’s wife, Laurie Kagan, former Director of Elementary Education for the state of Nevada, directs all workshop design, development of training materials, and training of trainers. She personally trains and selects all Kagan trainers who go through a highly effective training process designed to ensure clients will have the very highest quality training possible. At present there are approximately forty Kagan Certified Trainers across the United States and other countries, providing keynotes, awareness sessions, workshops, and multi-day institutes.

Kagan Professional Development

Kagan Professional Development conducts training institutes and seminars world-wide. Kagan Publishing is the world’s largest publisher and distributor of cooperative learning and multiple intelligences books and resources. The spirit of Kagan is evident at all levels of the company. Kagan employees — from shipping clerks, to workshop registrars, to national presenters, and International presenters — enjoy the reputation of being extremely teacher-friendly. The Kagan staff and Kagan Australia staff are dedicated to serving teachers and those who support them. Our mission is to improve education by providing the highest quality resources and trainings designed to create in teachers a love of teaching, and in students a love of learning. On a regular basis, attendees world-wide state that one of the Kagan institutes has provided their single most formative and enjoyable professional development experience.